What Happens if You Violate the Policies?
If you violate the set rules, your channel membership will be in “Paused Mode”. This can also happen if you set your channel to be for kids or you fail to accept the Commerce Product Addendum when joining the MCN.
Your membership feature being on “Paused Mode” means you will not be paid from YouTube premium because all payments from your members will be paused. Besides, your members will lose the perks including the badges, emojis, members-only community discussions, etc. Also, the “Join” button on your YT channel will disappear.
Worse things may happen if you don’t abruptly exit this paused mode. Just go to YT studio under membership monetization and click “Enable” after agreeing that you will abide by the set terms of service. Failure to do that will cause you to be denied payment from the YouTube premium account.
If your account stays for over 90 days in paused mode, you will automatically lose the channel membership feature in your YouTube premium channel.
Also, all your members will be lost and their money refunded for the month they paid. The amount will be deducted from your AdSense account.
I think those are things that you should avoid at all costs else you will never be paid from YouTube using this second feature.
Remember to avoid strikes that come as a result of repeated violations of the community guidelines. A strike only stays for 90 days and is removed from your channel.
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You can appeal if you got the strike wrongly but be careful of getting three strikes within a month. In such a scenario, you will not only be removed from the YouTube Partner Program but your YouTube premium channel will be terminated and that will be the end of you getting paid from YouTube.
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Now, what are these channel membership perks? Let’s explore that.
[…] in how to make money on YouTube ultimate guide 1 and channel membership which we wrote about on how to create a premium YouTube ultimate guide 2. Also, there is Merch Shelf, Super Chat & Super Stickers, and YouTube premium […]