7. How to Promote Fiverr Gigs on Blogs
Are you looking for how to promote your Fiverr gigs and make them known? Well, start a blog. Fiverr is an online marketplace where people sell services for five dollars. The site is a great way to earn money on the side, but only if you have some serious hustle.
So are you in it for the long haul? Or are you just looking for short-term cash? And how can your blog help you make more money on Fiverr? Well, the idea is somehow simple. You can guess, a blog is simply for writing articles and short blogs.
The first step is buying your domain and choosing a hosting plan for your blog. Nowadays, domains have become so cheap that you can get one with as low as $0.99 with NameCheap, BlueHost, DeBounce, HostGator, Skystra, and other hosting platforms. After that, you choose their hosting to keep your blog running.

You will establish your blog to match the services you are offering on Fiverr. That means you will be writing articles that are descriptive for your gig. With time, the articles will start ranking on Google and that’s how to promote Fiverr gigs on Google.
What does that translate to you? You will get more page views on your website and more orders on your gigs. It becomes even more interesting if you are already monetized by Google AdSense. You will have two streams of income.
So, how to promote Fiverr gigs using a blog will simply involve writing search-engine-optimized articles. If you have cash, you can hire someone to do it for you. However, I prefer doing it on your own because you know exactly what you want from the clients.
Takeaway: Establishing a blog that will rank on Google and other search engines is not hard as long as you choose your keywords properly. How to promote Fiverr gigs on a blog can be a great way of earning also from AdSense.
How to promote Fiverr gigs has been one of the major issues affecting most freelancers on Fiverr and even other networks. By using Quora, Pinterest, Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, YouTube, Instagram, and a blog, you can make your gigs visible to the world.
That’s all we had for you on how to promote Fiverr gigs, put into practice what you have learned and you will surely get some orders if you are persistent and patient enough. Remember to leave your comment and share your thoughts with us on more ways of promoting Fiverr gigs.