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The Queen turned the sixth feminine to ascend to the British throne in February 1952

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That is after after the demise of her father, King George VI. At that time she was on a vacation in Kenya

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She had gone to visit one of the greatest countries in East Africa, Kenya, to behold the beauty of Mt. Kenya.

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She had gone as a Princess and after the demise of her father,she became the queen while in Kenya.

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She was the longest-reigning monarch in British historical past, serving for greater than 70 years.

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Charles, the Queen’s eldest son, instantly ascended to the throne as King, placing his elder son, William, first in line for the throne.

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She had made a pledge while at 21 years old of devoting herself in serving the people.

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"I declare before you that my whole life, whether it be long or short, shall be devoted to your service, and the service of our great imperial family to which we all belong," the 21-year-old Elizabeth Alexandra Mary then said.

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That decades-long reign of service ended Thursday, when Queen Elizabeth II died at her Balmoral estate in Scotland, at age 96.

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Nevertheless, she has kept true to her pledge. She will be remembered for multiple tings she has done including bringing stability to the nation.

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She is indeed an icon of inspiration to many. May her soul rest in eternal peace.