3. Optimize your website
Assuming you have written the best articles with the highest CPC keywords and optimized your AdSense account, if your website is not optimized, be sure your AdSense revenue will remain the same.
As you work hard to make sure that your articles and AdSense account are working perfectly, you need to also work on your website. There are two major things you need to work on to optimize your website:
a) Focus your energy on where your audience is
Some of the best websites usually go where their audience is. That means they focus their articles on whatever is happening globally to their audience. You don’t have to worry about getting ideas because you have the Google Analytics tool like Google Trends to show you what is coming and celebrating.
We know that most places globally will be celebrating Christmas in the last month of the year. That’s the same period that there are festive holidays globally. So focusing your articles on such topics when the season is at hand will guarantee a boost in your AdSense revenue.
The advertisers will be willing to bid for your ad spaces because it is about what is happening. So, are you interested in boosting your AdSense revenue? Then focus your blogs on the direction of your audience.